Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Get to Know Context Switch
    Context Switching involves storing the context or state of a process so that it can be reloaded when required and execution can be resumed from the same point as earlier. This is a feature of a multitasking operating system and allows a single CPU to be shared by multiple processes. On this page you will find triggers, steps and cost of context switch.

  2. Process Creation vs Process Termination
    Process Creation and Process termination are used to create and terminate processes respectively. A process may be created in the system for different operations. Some of the events that lead to process creation are as follows User request for process creation, System Initialization, Batch job initialization and Execution of a process creation system call by a running process. Process termination occurs when the process is terminated The exit() system call is used by most operating systems for process termination.

  3. The Difference between Parallelism and Concurrency
    Concurrency relates to an application that is making progress more than one task at the same time and Parallelism related to an application in which the tasks are divided into smaller sub-tasks that are processed simultaneously or parallel. Website ini sangat menarik karena menjelaskan secara lengkap tentang concurrency dan parallelism dan juga terdapat sajian dalam bentuk tabel yang membuat mudah untuk melihat perbedaannya.

  4. What is Multicore Programming
    Multicore programming helps to create concurrent systems for deployment on multicore processor and multiprocessor systems. A multicore processor system is basically a single processor with multiple execution cores in one chip. Pada halaman ini juga memuat advantages dan disadvantagesnya.

  5. Process Scheduling
    The process scheduling is the activity of the process manager that handles the removal of the running process from the CPU and the selection of another process on the basis of a particular strategy. Website ini menarik karena menjelaskan secara ringkas mengenai process scheduling.

  6. Single vs Multi Thread Process
    Single threaded processes contain the execution of instructions in a single sequence. In other words, one command is processes at a time. The opposite of single threaded processes are multithreaded processes. These processes allow the execution of multiple parts of a program at the same time. These are lightweight processes available within the process.

  7. Cooperating Process and it’s Explanation
    Cooperating process is affect or be affected by the other processes executing in the system. Cooperating process shares data with other processes. Website ini menarik karena menjelaskan secara ringkas mengenai cooperating process.

  8. Direct vs Indirect Inter-Process Communication
    In the Direct Communication, each process that wants to communicate must explicitly name the recipient or sender of the communication. In this scheme, the send and receive primitives. And with Indirect Communication, the messages are sent to and received from mailboxes.

  9. What is Sockets
    Sockets facilitate communication between two processes on the same machine or different machines. They are used in a client/server framework and consist of the IP address and port number. Pada halaaman ini juga dilengkapi dengan sebuah ilustrasi yang menggambarkan sockets.

  10. Everything about Pipes
    These are interprocess communication methods that contain two end points. Data is entered from one end of the pipe by a process and consumed from the other end by the other process. Pada halaman ini juga dilengkapi dengan sebuah diagram yang menggambarkan pipes.